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by Maria Lado, directed by Elvira Rîmbu

This show is a very simple story. A story about love: love between a boy and a girl, love for the others, love for animals... A story about how hard is to choose and about self-sacrifice. A story with humans, animals, and even angels. With laughter, with tears... a mix of comedy, drama and poetry. This three things are joint together, as in the real life...

Remaking after an American low-comedy by Sică Alexandrescu, Artistic Direction: Andrei Mihalache

A friendly encounter between a young wife and an affectionate guy heatens the family situation of a Chicago mobster. Ketty (Alina Vicoveanu) doesn't want to reveal with whom she left at lunch, which is why William (Răzvan Vicoveanu) decides to go on a long business trip to stay away from the so-called infidelity of his wife.

Meanwhile, Ketty, helped by his friend Jimmy (Petre Ghimbășan) and Maggie (Angela Tanko), is planning to regain her doubted husband – adopts a child, claiming to be theirs, because he wanted a successor. What will come out of this mess? Find out, if you come to see „Napoleon was a ....girl”.

”It's a farce, a piece written according to the rules of comedy, with quiproquoes, with tangles, with overturning situations, is adapted by a great theatre specialist in stage science and actor's play. From this point of view, we have a guarantee, a certainty!” (Andrei Mihalache)

a script by Mihai Măniuțiu and Ada Milea after Georg Buchner, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu

 Georg Büchner’s play is the story of two princes: prince Leonce from Popo Kingdom and princess Lena from Pipi Kingdom. The arranged marriage between the two of them should take place, but both decide to get rid of this. They can’t run away of each other. They meet accidentally and fall in love. Also, they plot to play a prank to their parents and go back to Popo Kingdom to get married. Dressed in themselves, they realize that faith made them to fulfill exactly their parents’ wish.

 This complex story of power and obedience, about love and politics, produced by “Queen Mary” Theatre, marked 200 years since Büchner’s birth. It is a musical show with live songs, sang by a mini-orchestra. All characters are singing and dancing on the original music created by the talented artist who is Ada Milea. The show’s team is an exceptional one: the script and direction are made by Mihai Măniuțiu, the coreography belongs to Vava Ștefănescu, ande the set is made by Adrian Damian.

 by Dale Wasserman, based on a novel by Ken Kesey

The story, narrated by the gigantic but docile half-Native American inmate "Chief" Bromden, focuses on the antics of the rebellious Randle Patrick McMurphy, who faked insanity to serve out his prison sentence, for statutory rape, in the hospital. The head administrative nurse, Mildred Ratched, rules the ward with a mailed fist and with little medical oversight. She is assisted by her three black day-shift orderlies and her assistant doctors. McMurphy constantly antagonizes Nurse Ratched and upsets the routines, leading to constant power struggles between the inmate and the nurse. He runs a card table, captains the ward's basketball team, comments on Nurse Ratched's figure, and incites the other patients on the ward to conduct a vote on watching the World Series on television.

by Shalom Aleichem, directed by Korcsmaros Gyorgy

“A fiddler on the roof. Sounds crazy, no? But here, in our little village of Anatevka, you might say every one of us is a fiddler on the roof trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple tune without breaking his neck. It isn’t easy. You may ask ‘Why do we stay up there if it’s so dangerous?’ Well, we stay because Anatevka is our home. And how do we keep our balance? That I can tell you in one word: tradition!”

Thus begins “The Fiddler on the Roof”, the adaptation of Sholom Aleichem story “Tevye’s Daughters” – one of the most successful musicals throughout history. Since its debut in 1964 on Broadway, the play has known countless adaptations, being among the critic’s favorites.

This performance is one of the most successful at our theatre: it has participated in numerous festivals, receiving numerous awards (for best actor: Richard Balint; for best choreography: Lorant Andras) and nominations (we mention the two honorable nominations received for the UNITER GALA – the most prestigious distinctions in the theatre in Romania – for best actress /Ioana Dragos Gajdo/ and best set /Vioara Bara/).

by Vajda Katalin, artistic director: Andrei Mihalache

“The Lovers of Ancona” is a musical comedy, adapted by Vajda Katalin, in which all appearances are false and nothing is what it seems. The play is a musical comedy, the songs are those chosen from the ‘60’s and ‘70’s, and all heroes know how to sing, proving once again, if necessary, that the Italians are romantic and passionate. The action of the play takes place in the little town called Ancona, in an old piazza, where the togetherness of the homes and the Latin blood make keeping secrets impossible. The most important man in town is Tomao Nicomaco, a widowed Don Juan, who is no longer in his young years, but is set to conquer a young Romanian maiden, Victorița, who is visiting Ancona in order to find Giovanni, the father of her unborn child.

A script by Dan Mirea, Director: Dan Mirea

 One of the most famous and loved children's stories, ”The Wizard of Oz” has seduced generations of children over the years. Written at the beginning of the century, more precisely in 1900, the ”Wizard of Oz” has become an immortal story over time, being considered, in fact, the first modern American fairy tale. Dorothy's adventures – a Kansas girl, thrown by a tornado on strange lands – are famous all over the world, aware of numerous dramatizations and screenings. Although, more than 100 years have passed since the launch of the book, children around the world are still fascinated by the wonderful world of Oz.

A superb romantic comedy, “Barefoot in the Park” shows the efforts 2 young people make in order to build their life together and especially, to mix harmoniously the personalities that lead to feelings which are opposite, from time to time. Impulsive and impetuous, Corrine Bratter takes very seriously her unique role to be “Paul’s wife”, and invests all her energy into making him happy, in spite of the difficulties they face at the beginning of their life as a family. Paul, a lawyer who has just won his first 6 cents from his first trial, is a more steady and temperate. The conflict of the play arises from the clench of their two distinct personalities, which will shortly lead them to thoughts of divorce and separation. To walk or not to walk barefoot in the park represents the metaphor for the lover’s conflict.  

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